Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I often wonder what it is that moves a person to finish something. For a very long time, I tried to figure out the best way to push myself so that I could accomplish the goal I set for myself, which could be by miles or by time (15, 20, 25..).... Umm..sorry, forgot to mention what I am talking about here..which is running/jogging. I have a love/hate relationship with this activity. I hate the process, yet somehow towards the end of it, it feels great, and at the end I love it that I crossed the finish line. Needless to say, it's a complicated relationship. For a while, I tried to encourage myself to endure this activity by letting my mind wonder and imagined that I was doing something else. It didn't work cuz I always ended up imagining myself running (running in the desert, running away from monsters) matter what it was that I started with. For instance, I could be imagining that I was relaxing somewhere on the beach but then a monster would come out of nowhere and start chasing me and then outrun me and then when that happened, I would give up and stop. Recently, I discovered that if I just imagine myself reaching my goal, it's enough to get to get to the finish mark. A determined mind is that much more powerful. Use it, it's a great tool.

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