Monday, July 10, 2006

Summer used to mean 3 whole months of fun. That's how kids look at summer. Remember when you were a kid and you were always looking forward to the summer ~ the long days, the wonderful ice cream truck? Remember how time was spent in the sun ~ running around, biking, swimming. I think that many of us have lost that spark in us to have fun in the summer. I feel that being a kid shouldn't be limited to all those under 18 years of age. Let's be kids again this summer. Let's learn how to relax and enjoy in the sun. No, I don't mean staying at home w/ the AC on or go shopping in the mall. I mean really being in the sun. The sun is out, enjoy the day- go outside, forget the AC - wanna eat ice cream and desert before dinner? Go right ahead! Go out there, play some softball, or jump rope, or anything you used to love as a kid! Take some time and be that kid you used to be!


gorgbroza said...

Can you imagine Uncle William laughing and running after an ice cream truck? That would be so scary. I think someone would call the police.

Audrey said...

actually, that would be a pretty picture! If you ever see Uncle William run after an ice cream truck, you gotta take a picture of that for me!!! Never know, he may do that someday, maybe not for himself but for litte Thomas!

alan said...

I never was laughing and running after the ice cream truck. I'd always stand by and watch other kids buy stuff from the truck because my parents didn't give me money to buy ice cream. I had home made green bean popsicles that weren't very sweet.

Audrey said...

oh you poor thing! Honey, this weekend, I'm gonna give you money so you can go run after the ice cream truck for something that is not homemade. Is $1.50 enough or should I give you more?

gorgbroza said...

I don't think The Grumpy Uncle would run after the ice cream truck. I think he would drive his pickup truck to Costco, buy a 55-gallon drum of ice cream, and piss off the Ice Cream Truck Man by charging $0.50 per scoop.

Of course there would only be one flavor and it would be mostly melted, but even that sounds better than home-made green bean popsicles.

catherine said...

poooor alan! no ice cream for you. green bean popsicles don't sound very good at all. although the red bean popsicles at the asian markets aren't bad... speaking of that, we had an ice cream truck come through about two weeks ago. it was so wierd and random. but william ran over to the window with thomas to see. he will definitely run after the truck for thomas. although, if the guy doesn't see him, he may get into his truck, and run down that ice cream truck to stop it for thomas :)

catherine said...

oh and i agree - outdoor fun is the best. we have our backpack carrier. we are ready to go hiking, picnicing whenever you are!

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