Thursday, August 24, 2006

Pluto is no longer a planet but instead a "Dwarf Planet". I'm pretty sad that it got demoted. Here's a link to more information on this. I need a moment of silence for this.


gorgbroza said...

Although it makes sense, I'm also a little saddened by it. Good thing they got the New Horizons mission launched before this, otherwise maybe they would have been canceled! NASA seems to be killing off the interesting projects in favor of the big political ones (back to the moon, humans on Mars...).

For some reason I've always enjoyed looking at the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)... there isn't much to see through a telescope, but somehow contemplating the distance and realizing that the sun still holds them in orbit... pretty cool.

Also, when you've had a few beers, it's suddenly very funny when someone asks, "what are you looking at?" and you answer... you know....

alan said...

I never liked Pluto's orbit how it got closer than Neptune part of the time, so for that, I'm kinda glad it's not a planet anymore.

On the other hand, I still remember vividly when we learned about the 9 planets in elementary school and trying to recite them as fast as possible..... I guess I'll be able to recite all the planets even faster now!

Audrey said...

What do you know! Pluto no longer a planet? Next thing, some scientist is gonna strip Lovebirds from their parrot status saying that lovebirds are too small and should not be considered as "parrots" but as "Dwarf Parrots".