Monday, January 28, 2008

28 days later (Alive and kicking and motivated!)

I'm sure you're thinking about the horror flick, 28 days later but I'm referring to my progress as a vegetarian. It has been 28 days! Woo hoo! Every once in a while though, I would crave for some of my old favorites, the stuff I used to eat when I wasn't a vegetarian. It is hard because meat is tasty. This is where I have to be strong and not let my cravings over power me. Not eating anything with eggs in it is particularly hard because I'm a big fan of pastry and noodles. I've been doing pretty good with not having stuff with dairy in it. Speaking of dairy, I had my first cheese-free pizza last night. It's actually pretty good! All in all, I have failed in my attempt to not eat anything with dairy and/or eggs in it. I have, however, reduce my overall consumption of food with egg and dairy. So I'm pretty happy with my progress. :)


Regina said...

Where did you go for cheese-free pizza? I'd really like to know of a vegan pizza place for daughter and inlaws.

Audrey said...

I just asked them to not put cheese on half of the pizza. :)

Regina said...

oh, but it was good? which pizza place did you go to?

Audrey said...

It was pretty good! We ordered the vegetarian pizza from Little Caesar's.