Saturday, January 12, 2008

Eggs & milk?

There's this yummy, really really yummy waffle recipe in The Newlyweds' Cookbook, which you can buy at either Amazon or Crate & Barrel. I converted it so that it's vegan. All waffle and pancake recipes are vegetarian. So I'm just a vegetarian, why do I need to convert my waffle and pancake recipes to vegan? So what's my problem? This may sound strange but I would eat stuff with eggs in it like pasta and noodles and once in a while, I wouldn't mind buying some pastry from like Starbucks, which will contain milk, butter, and eggs as long as I'm not doing it all the time. I cannot get myself to buy eggs or milk at the grocery store. Milk is so much easier to substitute. Egg is a different story. I know I know, it doesn't make any sense. I guess all I want to do is lower my consumption of eggs and if I buy a dozen or even 1/2 dozen eggs, I wouldn't be lowering my consumption. The vegan banana almond waffle actually came out pretty well! For the recipe, click here!


Regina said...

I baked the leftover waffle mix - your vegan waffle was delicious Audrey! You'll have to make it again for our next brunch. ^_^

catherine said...

it was delicious, and loved the almonds in it!

Audrey said...

Glad you guys like it. I was stressing out that the vegan waffle will turn out bad and no one would want any of it.

I'll definitely make it again the next time we have a brunch potluck!