Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Flaxseed oil

So a little bit about my family's medical history. On my mother's side, my grandfather died of a heart attacked while he was in his mid to late 40's. On my bio father's side, my grandfather died of a stroke and my bio father has had 2 strokes. So what does that tell me? It tells that either I have a family history of heart problems and high cholesterol or bad lifestyles (fatty food and lack of exercise). My guess is that it's a bit of both, but I'm leaning more toward the bad habit side as the root of their health problems. Oh, so why am I giving this little piece of information and what's it got to do with Flaxseed oil? Hmm...., well as most of you remember, about a year ago, I was complaining about my high resting heart rate (always around 90's and sometimes even higher) and how my heart rate would shoot up to 180 (sometimes even higher) when I run at a measly 5 mph for my 1 or 2 mile run. And as most of you know, I'm a pretty health conscious person. I try to eat healthy and I workout regularly. For months, I did what I could but I was unable to bring my resting heart rate down. About a month ago, I went to see an ophthalmologist for dry eyes and she recommended that I take flaxseed oil. A week ago, I went running (and as usual, got my heart rate monitor strap around me) and I was blown away when I saw that my heart rate was between 146 to 156 while running at 5 mph. Seeing the improvement, I measured my resting heart rate and it was at 72!!! What am I doing differently? Exercise wise, I am pretty much still doing the same thing. It's either because I'm taking flaxseed oil supplement or because of my new diet. I think it's the addition of flaxseed oil in my diet!

For more information on flaxseed oil, click here. It turns out, flaxseed's got a whole lot of other benefits!

1 comment:

catherine said...

i have heard a lot of good things about flaxseed too. keep up the good work. it is really hard to be healthy in america, but you will have the last laugh when you are healthy at 93 :)