Monday, January 07, 2008

I can't live without...

Ice cream and Sriracha! The first item mentioned, ice cream, is why it's next to impossible for me to be a vegan. I'll resort to being a near vegan, that is I'll occasionally have to splurge and eat some ice cream. Hmmm... maybe i can replace ice cream with fruit day. I bought some soy ice cream the other day, it's just not the same. Perhaps there's a farm somewhere that treats it's dairy cows humanely. Oh and while I'm on the subject, why does everything has eggs in it? Being a vegan, that's too tough, perhaps next year. One step at a time right? Right now, I'll just stick to being a ovo-lacto vegetarian. Speaking of which, thank goodness Sriracha is vegetarian. I looked at the label the other day and there's no animal products in it. Whew!

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