Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Going Vegetarian

Huh? What? Why? That's what I've been getting from people when I tell them that I'm gonna be a vegetarian. When I first thought of it a month ago, I was thinking of only doing it for a month. I thought that it would be healthy after dining out 50% of time recently. I thought that it would force me to cook more and thought that it'll be a one month period. After doing more research, I'm going to make it a lifestyle. It'll be a challenge but well worth it.

There are many reasons to become a vegetarian. For me, it's for better health, better environment, and most important of all, for not partaking in the cruelty of animals.


Regina said...

Go Audrey! =) Your cause is honorable and worthy. I was vegetarian until I met my carnivore hubby. I even read "Diet for a New America" - the vegan book of "awareness". Unfortunately Vijay lured me with steak and sausages. Perhaps one day we'll be on the vegan path. Good luck!

Audrey said...

Hi Regina, thank you for the encouragement.