Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm preparing for 2 things!

They are my violin recital (first recital ever) next month and my grade 1 exam in April! Now, I have a problem and that is stage fright. Every time I play in front of anyone other than my violin teacher, I screw up because I get so nervous. As an adult beginner, I tend to be more critical about my playing and I get embarrassed easily as I always feel like people expect me to do better or do more because I'm an adult. Now to get over these fears, I think I have to practice playing in front of people.I'm thinking, maybe I'll go play a few songs in the park once the Sun comes back or maybe invite a few people over and play for them. Now you may wonder why am I doing so much, after all, most adult beginners learn for fun and don't bother with recitals or tests. Well it is because my goal, musically, is to in 4 or 5 years be able to join a community college orchestra or a community orchestra and doing these (recitals and tests) will prepare me or pave the way to that goal! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

catherine said...

wow audrey that is awesome. i think it is really important to have goals in life. mine is to own a fashion empire :)