I've been told that I'm lucky because I am blessed with a high metabolism and can eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce. I think that this is only partially true. I think that working out on a regular basis has been keeping my metabolism at bay. Since college, the longest time I've gone without working out at least a few times a week was 3 months - when I fractured my tailbone. I don't know how long this lifestyle is going to last.
I started working out because I wanted to gain weight. Yep, to gain weight!!! People would asked me if I was anorexic. Anorexic! Oh dear God! Was I that sick looking? I was just lanky, not sickly. At one point someone thought that I was in denial and had suggested that I seek help. And, upon seeing what a big appetite I had, she then changed her mind and thought that I was bulimic instead. After the, "Audrey, are you bulimic" question, I decided right then and there that enough was enough, I gotta create some muscles so people would believe me when I tell them, "No, I'm not anorexic" or "No, I'm not bulimic". Today, I can say that I've reached my goal..I look healthy.
So, for the past 10 years or so, I've been pretty motivated about being healthy, especially when I was preparing for the big day. Alan and I were hitting the gym after work almost all the time, at one point, it was 5x a week. Today was the first time that we were at the gym since we got married. Boy, I tell ya, I was
UNmotivated. Is this the "I am married" syndrome? Alan didn't help either..I think he caught it too. Everytime, I looked at him, he would say, "Let's go home" and no matter how I tried to convince myself how good it was for my back that I was pulling down 50 lbs..."Let's go home" was just so much more enticing.
I think this might be it unless I find a new motivation....perhaps..my next motivation will be to lose some weight?